Gita Shimi Sahand
Importer of Chemical and Biological finished Products
Gita Shimi Sahand
Iran is primarily an arid plateau, across which extended from northwest to northeast range after range of lofty and arid mountains. Along the shore of Caspian, the eye is met by a narrow strip of vivid green, which stands in market contrast to the aridity of the plateau.
In the south the lands drops down to the waters of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman
Gita Shimi Sahand consists in three registered and legally licensed companies with different line of business as below:
Giah Panian Atlas company (GPA); busy with importation of finished registered commodity pesticides, the products that have been registered by our company under trade name from abroad. Also busy with registration of New Molecules, New Formulation as well as New Mixtures. GPA is interested in registration and developing Biological Agents (Herbal Extract, Microbial pesticide, Pheromone etc…)and already registered some herbalextract also have some biological and chemicals under registration procedure. The company also is has registered and imports some organic Fertilizers.
Barzegar Barjeste Company: Busy with importation of finished registered commodity pesticides, the products that have been registered by our company under trade name from abroad also busy with registration of New Molecules, New Formulation as well as New Mixtures mainly conventional chemicals. Also imports Fertilizers, Agricultural equipments and water treatments components.
Gita Shimi Sahand Company: Our formulation plan with formulation capacity of 10 million-L/ year. We can formulate EC, ME, SC, EW, SL, L and WDG (WG=DF) pesticides such as Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Acaricides (Miticides) for Agricultural use also have permission and license for formulation of Public Health and Veterinary pest control agents. Authorized for importation of technical, Emulsifier (Adjuvants) and, solvent.